Sunday, April 11, 2010

LL Cool J...

I was just listening to LL Cool J and was reminded of an interview i heard somewhere. This really beautiful woman was saying how sexy LL was because he was always licking his lips. Drove her crazy. And i remember thinking, "Hm... i wonder if i could pull that off...?"

...maybe not.

the five things i fell in love with today...

1) Writing. I know it's been awhile since i've written a blog, but i've been pretty busy these days with my first screenplay. I had the idea for it a long time back, and finally finished the first draft a year or so ago. And then i made the mistake of reading it... Yeah... pretty terrible. But!!! 12 months later, i think i've (almost) recovered from the shock and i am back in that saddle again.
2) Storytelling. It's just great to be able to make stuff up. To entertain a room. Even if/ especially if it's a room full of two-year-olds.
3) This particular story i'm telling is one that can't lose! I want to combine a blockbuster epic with a low budget academy award winner. I'm calling it "Crash of the Titans". It's a lot like the 1981 Harry Hamlin flick, except this time, Medusa and The Krakken hate each other, because they're racists.
4) "Save the Cat" by Blake Snyder.
5) Being sexier than LL Cool J. Although, more times than not, it's a burden.

song of the day...
"Goin back to Cali" by LL Cool J

movie of the day...
"stranger than fiction"


  1. I'm reading this blog while sitting in church and I almost fell out of my chair laughing at those pics.

    They're awesome.

  2. You look a little constipated to me

  3. Like mom always said...better get that tongue in your'll bite the tip of it off. lol
    I'm following this blog, and I invite yoiu to look over mine a perhaps do the same.
